fuse-convmvfs 0.2.2 released, this is a minor version of the 0.2.x serials to fix some criticle bugs.\n''latest ChangeLog''\n2006-07-28 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org> \n* configure.in: version to 0.2.2 \n* src/convmvfs.cpp: \n** root can pass permission_walk without any check \n** memory leak in permission_walk when success \n** chown according to cond after mknod and mkdir(only when euid is 0) \n** enable chown oper(only when euid is 0) \n\nyou can download from here:\nhttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fuse-convmvfs/fuse-convmvfs-0.2.2.tar.gz?download
Thanks to TiddlyWiki tool, without which a lazy dog like me can not power up a website so quickly ;)\n\nproject homepage:\nhttp://fuse-convmvfs.sourceforge.net/
fuse-convmvfs 0.2.3 released, this is a minor version of the 0.2.x serials to fix some criticle bugs.\nlatest ChangeLog\n2007-02-11 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * ChangeLog, Makefile.am, configure.in, src/.cvsignore, src/Makefile.in, src/convmvfs.cpp, test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl, .cvsignore:\n merged from 0.2.fix\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: merge patch from baz1\n\n * test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl: New file.\n\n * test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl, Makefile.am, configure.in:\n add test\n\nyou can download it from here :\nhttp://downloads.sourceforge.net/fuse-convmvfs/fuse-convmvfs-0.2.3.tar.gz
fuse-convmvfs 0.2.4 released, this is a minor version of the 0.2.x serials to fix some criticle bugs.\nlatest ChangeLog\n\n2007-06-01 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * Makefile.am, configure.in, src/convmvfs.cpp:\n update version and authors info\n\n2007-02-13 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * AUTHORS: change mail\n\nyou can download it from here :\nhttp://downloads.sourceforge.net/fuse-convmvfs/fuse-convmvfs-0.2.4.tar.gz
Thanks to Stanislav Maslovski and Anthony Fok, fuse-convmvfs is now officially included into Debian.\n\nYou can find the package at [1] and the bugreports (if there are any) can be found at [2].\n\n[1] http://packages.debian.org/sid/fuse-convmvfs\n[2] http://bugs.debian.org/fuse-convmvfs\n
Version Control System for fuse-convmvfs has been migrated from cvs to svn, for more information, please check:\nhttps://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=166276\n\nA git repository for trunk source code, which may be newer than svn repository of fuse-convmvfs at sourceforge, is also available from:\nRepository: http://linuxfire.com.cn/~hellwolf/git/fuse-convmvfs.git/\nGitweb: http://linuxfire.com.cn/~hellwolf/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=fuse-convmvfs.git;a=summary\n
git repository:\n\ngit://fuse-convmvfs.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/fuse-convmvfs (read-only) \n\nto browse code:\n\nhttp://fuse-convmvfs.git.sourceforge.net/\n
Welcome Mihail Kotelniko joined as a developer, and thanks again to his patch of xattr support to fuse-convmvfs.\n\nCheers!
This is a minor version of the 0.2.x serials to fix some criticle bugs.\n\nThis version provides xattr support, thanks to Mihail Kotelnikov.\n\nYou can download it from here :\nhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse-convmvfs/files/fuse-convmvfs/0.2.5/fuse-convmvfs-0.2.5.tar.gz/download
<<option chkGenerateAnRssFeed>> GenerateAnRssFeed\n<<option chkOpenInNewWindow>> OpenLinksInNewWindow\n<<option chkSaveEmptyTemplate>> SaveEmptyTemplate\n<<option chkToggleLinks>> Clicking on links to tiddlers that are already open causes them to close\n^^(override with Control or other modifier key)^^\n<<option chkHttpReadOnly>> HideEditingFeatures when viewed over HTTP\n<<option chkForceMinorUpdate>> Treat edits as MinorChanges by preserving date and time\n^^(override with Shift key when clicking 'done' or by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter^^\n<<option chkConfirmDelete>> ConfirmBeforeDeleting\nMaximum number of lines in a tiddler edit box: <<option txtMaxEditRows>>\nFolder name for backup files: <<option txtBackupFolder>>\n
2007-02-11 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * ChangeLog, Makefile.am, configure.in, src/.cvsignore, src/Makefile.in, src/convmvfs.cpp, test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl, .cvsignore:\n merged from 0.2.fix\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: merge patch from baz1\n\n * test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl: New file.\n\n * test/music.tar, test/threadsafe.pl, Makefile.am, configure.in:\n add test\n\n2007-02-10 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * .cvsignore, src/.cvsignore: New file.\n\n * .cvsignore, src/.cvsignore: add cvsignore\n\n2006-07-28 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * ChangeLog: update\n\n * configure.in: version to 0.2.2\n\n * src/Makefile.in: ...fuck\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: - root can pass permission_walk without any check\n - memory leak in permission_walk when success\n - chown according to cond after mknod and mkdir(only when euid is 0)\n - enable chown oper(only when euid is 0)\n\n2006-07-28 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * configure.in: version to 0.2.2\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: - root can pass permission_walk without any check\n - memory leak in permission_walk when success\n - chown according to cond after mknod and mkdir(only when euid is 0)\n - enable chown oper(only when euid is 0)\n\n2006-07-17 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * ChangeLog: version update (0.2.1)\n\n * configure.in: version to 0.2.1\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: bug fix for readdir\n\n2006-07-17 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * configure.in: version to 0.2.1\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: bug fix for readdir\n\n2006-07-17 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: bug fix for readdir\n\n2006-06-30 hellwolfmisty <hellwolfmisty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * Makefile.in, aclocal.m4, config.h.in, configure, depcomp, install-sh, missing:\n mistake when import ;)\n\n * src/Makefile.in: New file.\n\n * src/Makefile.in, src/convmvfs.cpp: import 0.2 source from gro.clinux\n\n * configure, missing: New file.\n\n * configure, missing: import 0.2 source from gro.clinux\n\n * depcomp, install-sh: New file.\n\n * NEWS, depcomp, install-sh: import 0.2 source from gro.clinux\n\n * README.zh_CN.UTF-8, aclocal.m4, config.h.in: New file.\n\n * ChangeLog, README, README.zh_CN.UTF-8, aclocal.m4, config.h.in, configure.in:\n import 0.2 source from gro.clinux\n\n * Makefile.in: New file.\n\n * Makefile.am, Makefile.in: import 0.2 source from gro.clinux\n\n2006-06-30 hellwolf_misty <hellwolf_misty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * NEWS: prepare for release 0.2\n\n * README: minor changes\n\n * Makefile.am, README.zh_CN.UTF-8: add README.zh_CN.UTF-8\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp:\n * New Implemented functions: opendir readlink mknod mkdir unlink rmdir\n symlink rename link chmod chown(limited) truncate utime write access statfs\n * use more elegant and efficient way to get fd when run read and write\n operations.\n * use permission check to avoid security problems\n\n2006-06-12 hellwolf_misty <hellwolf_misty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: convmvfs.srcdir[0]\n\n * ChangeLog: update ChangeLog\n\n * README: update\n\n * configure.in: package version to 0.2\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: -v and --version\n -o srcdir can use relative path now.\n\n * .cvsignore: merging from REL_0_1_FIX\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: add opers: write mknod mkdir\n thanks for rickxu\n\n * .cvsignore: ignore testdir for convenience\n\n2006-06-12 hellwolf_misty <hellwolf_misty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * README: update\n\n * configure.in: package version to 0.2\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: -v and --version\n -o srcdir can use relative path now.\n\n * .cvsignore: merging from REL_0_1_FIX\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: add opers: write mknod mkdir\n thanks for rickxu\n\n * .cvsignore: ignore testdir for convenience\n\n2006-06-12 hellwolf_misty <hellwolf_misty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: -v and --version\n -o srcdir can use relative path now.\n\n * .cvsignore: merging from REL_0_1_FIX\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: add opers: write mknod mkdir\n thanks for rickxu\n\n * .cvsignore: ignore testdir for convenience\n\n2006-04-27 hellwolf_misty <hellwolf_misty@cocteau.freehell.org>\n\n * ChangeLog: update ChangeLog\n\n * configure.in: no require for glib2\n\n2006-04-27 hellwolf <hellwolf@seu.edu.cn>\n\n * configure.in: no require for glib2\n\n2006-04-20 hellwolf <hellwolf@seu.edu.cn>\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: * set OUTINBUFLEN to 255\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: * no check for srcdir now\n\n * README: * typo: i10n -> l10n\n\n2006-04-19 hellwolf <hellwolf@seu.edu.cn>\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: * check if srcdir is empty string\n\n * README: * how to umount\n * remind allow_other option\n\n * .cvsignore, src/.cvsignore: add cvsignore file\n\n * README: typo: autoreconf -iv\n\n * AUTHORS: * missing newline\n\n * ChangeLog, INSTALL, Makefile.am, NEWS, README, configure.in, src/Makefile.am, COPYING, AUTHORS:\n * Initial Commite\n\n * src/convmvfs.cpp: * Initial Commit\n\n2006-04-19 ZC Miao <hellwolf@seu.edu.cn>\n\n * First Commit\n * Implemented functions: read readdir getattr open release\n
Leftside are something about this project and me ;)\n\nIf you're interesting on this project please contact [[ZC Miao]].
You can download fuse-convmvfs tarballs from [[here|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=166276]]\n\nAnd if you're a fedora user, you can use yum repository of FedoraCN which also contains the latest stable version of fuse-convmvfs\n
''fedora.cn'' is a project intended to\n*provide additional packages to fedora user\n*help chinese user to resolve problems of fedora\n*submit more packages to fedora extras.\n\n* ''fedora.cn homepage'' http://www.fedora.cn/\n* ''fedora.cn project home'' https://gro.clinux.org/projects/fedora/\n* ''fedora.cn yum repository'' ftp://ftp.fedora.cn/pub/fedora-cn/\n* ''fedora.cn irc channel'' freenode#fedora-cn\n* ''Mailing list''\n**user list: http://groups.google.com/group/fedora-cn\n**developerlist: http://groups.google.com/group/fedora-cn-devel
Once convmvfs is installed running it is very simple:\n{{{\nusage: convmvfs mountpoint [options]\n\ngeneral options:\n -o opt,[opt...] mount options\n -h --help print help\n -V --version print version\n\nFUSE options:\n -d -o debug enable debug output (implies -f)\n -f foreground operation\n -s disable multi-threaded operation\n\n -o allow_other allow access to other users\n -o allow_root allow access to root\n -o nonempty allow mounts over non-empty file/dir\n -o default_permissions enable permission checking by kernel\n -o fsname=NAME set filesystem name\n -o large_read issue large read requests (2.4 only)\n -o max_read=N set maximum size of read requests\n\n -o hard_remove immediate removal (don't hide files)\n -o use_ino let filesystem set inode numbers\n -o readdir_ino try to fill in d_ino in readdir\n -o direct_io use direct I/O\n -o kernel_cache cache files in kernel\n -o umask=M set file permissions (octal)\n -o uid=N set file owner\n -o gid=N set file group\n -o entry_timeout=T cache timeout for names (1.0s)\n -o negative_timeout=T cache timeout for deleted names (0.0s)\n -o attr_timeout=T cache timeout for attributes (1.0s)\n\nCONVMVFS options:\n -o srcdir=PATH which directory to convert\n -o icharset=CHARSET charset used in srcdir\n -o ocharset=CHARSET charset used in mounted filesystem\n}}}\nNote:\n* If you use normal user to mount file system be sure to have \nr/w permision to /dev/fuse.\n* use `iconv --list` to see which charsets are supported.\n* to allow other user to access the mount point use allow_other option\n* IMPORTANT: if mount point and srcdir was the same dir, readdir oper\n would enter dead loop. BE SURE TO AVOID THIS SITUATION!\n\nSample use:\n* to mount\n{{{\n$convmvfs /ftp/pub_gbk -o srcdir=/ftp/pub, icharset=utf8,ocharset=gbk\n}}}\n* to umount\n{{{\n$fusermount -u /ftp/pub_gbk\n}}}\n
First you need to download FUSE 2.5 or later from:\n http://fuse.sourceforge.net\nAfter installing FUSE, compile convmvfs the usual way:\n{{{\n$./configure\n$make\n#make install\n}}}\nAnd you are ready to go.You can now type 'convmvfs --help" to get help\ninfomation.\n\nIf checking out from CVS for the first time also do\n'autoreconf -iv' before doing './configure'.
[[News]]\n[[Welcome]]\n[[Download]]\n[[Contact]]\n[[RSSFeed|http://fuse-convmvfs.sourceforge.net/index.xml]]\n\n[[fuse-convmvfs]]\nCopyright ©\n2006 - 2008\n[[ZC Miao]]
[[Convmv|http://osx.freshmeat.net/projects/convmv/]] is a utility to converts filenames (not file content), \ndirectories, and even whole filesystems to a different encoding. Inspired by this tool, born was the convmvfs which mirror a whole filesystem tree from one charset to another.\n\nFor example, in China there's a National Standard called GB2312 which defined a charset to present most of the Chinese character. And many ftp client used in China only accept and show filename in GB2312. But in *nix world i18n is more acceptable than l10n so many *nix server use UTF-8.\nFor example, there's a linux hosted box run a ftp server app on it. The ftp server export /ftp/pub to anonymous access in which all filenames are in UTF-8 charset. Now we can make a \ndirectory called /ftp/pub_gb2312 and use our convmvfs tool to mount a special fuse filesystem on /ftp/pub_gb2312, which hotly convert the filename in /ftp/pub from UTF-8 to GB2312\nbut leave the contant unchanged.
Here you can find a list of project news, you can always find infomation about the latest release here.
a userland file system to convert filename charset
TiddlyWiki is the truly awesome software created by Jeremy Ruston to which this tutorial introduces you. You can find the TiddlyWiki home site at http://www.tiddlywiki.com \n\nThis is one of the most efficient ways of communicating that I've ever seen, and it's a lot of fun to use and write for too!
This is the website of [[fuse-convmvfs]]. \n\nIf you didn't know what is it, you may find it here:\n* WhatIsIt\n* [[Motivation]]\n* [[Install]]\n* HowToUse\nAnd if you thought it's useful to you just [[Download]] it freely.\n\n//And this site is powered up by TiddlyWiki//
This is a filesystem converting file name from one character set to another. It's implemented by using FUSE(Filesystem in USErspace),.
[[ZC Miao]] is abbreviation of my chinese name:缪志澄\nMy nick name is [[hellwolf]]\nFeel free to contact me:\n* Email: hellwolf.misty@gmail.com\n* Gtalk: hellwolf.misty@gmail.com\n\nAnd I'm working on the FedoraCN, if you're interesting on it, join us now!
see also [[ZC Miao]]
see also [[ZC Miao]]